4 Truths and a Lie

By OrlandoFringe (other events)

7 Dates Through May 26, 2013


In this L.A. hit show, 5 storytellers are asked to tell a 6-8 minute story from their lives based on a theme we’ve given them. However, one of the storytellers is lying through their pretty little teeth. At the end of the show the audience takes a vote and we find out which person was fibbing.

Title: 4 Truths and a Lie

Company Name: Hand Puppet, Inc.

City of Origin: Culver City, CA

Rating: G-14

Warnings: Some adult content and language

Run Time: 60 minutes

Genre: -


Twitter - @5truthsandalie

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Patrons over 13 must purchase a Fringe Button ($9) for entry into any ticketed performance. All shows start on time, no late entry. No re-entry. No refunds or exchanges. 100% of all ticket sales are returned to the artists. Please arrive early and plan accordingly for parking (45 minutes is recommended).